Creating a Nanny Group in your Community

Posted on by admin | in Industry News, Nanny News

By Kellie Geres

Nanny support groups have been around for over 25 years.  In fact, the longest running nanny support group, ADCAN ~ Association of DC Area Nannies is 28 years old!

It’s not uncommon for nannies to feel isolated, alone and frustrated that there are no other nannies to talk with, offer support and learn from.

Chances are if you’re a nanny, there are other nannies you can connect with in your town.  But finding them can sometimes be difficult.  If there is not a nanny group in your area, here are some simple ways to reach out to the nannies in your community and create one.

Creating a website for your group is one of the fastest ways to get your information out to nannies.  Nanny Kelly Smith relocated to the Houston area and wanted to meet other nannies.  She formed her group, Houston Nanny Society, and has reached out to other nannies through word of mouth, agency contacts and Facebook.   There are many options when creating a website.  Services such as, and offer plans, as well as or   Many features are free or available for a small, monthly fee.

Another fast and free way to get noticed is to create a Facebook pageADCAN and TANG are two of my favorites.  This is a great way to provide local community information, industry happenings, nanny only events and much more!  Organizations and businesses all have a Facebook presence.  Liking and commenting on these pages will give your group additional exposure!

Create business cards and/or postcards to get the word out about your group. is a favorite amongst nannies for all things print related.  Always carry a stash with you, as you never know when you’ll meet another nanny!   Many businesses offer community bulletin boards.  While you should check store policies before posting, these are a great way to get your group noticed.

Let the area agencies know about you.  Make an appointment to meet with local agency owners to let them know about your group.  Bring postcards, brochures or fliers and ask them to hand them out to nannies they interview.

Host an event in your area and spread the word!  Meet up at the local Starbucks or Panera for coffee or lunch. Check with your local library and see about hosting a story time for nannies and kids.  Many nanny groups are hosting a National Nanny Training Day in their communities.

Do you currently have a group and are you struggling with members, events or more? offers an in-depth six part series on Taking your Nanny Group to the Next Level that helps groups grow and offer more to members.

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